The letter to Titus (Part 4)

Never excuse yourself from ministry meetings: Children, Youth, Women and Men’s ministries are instruments in the church to equip members with age-appropriate, and gender related topics relevant for growth.

One of the reasons discipleship is relevant for equipping the church is the fact that lessons are structured according to the maturity level of believers. Therefore, it is from the basic foundation of our faith, to matters that pertain to maturity and then issues that propel growth among many others. Our usual Sunday Services are not tailored for different audiences. The same message is preached with the intention that each person grasp a portion of what is relevant to them. If your church has active discipleship classes, it is important that you enroll in the one that is appropriate for your current level of Christian growth. Another way to be equipped is to join relevant cell ministries such as Youth, Women’s ministry and Men’s ministry. In each of these ministries, the information given is relevant to the members of the ministry. It is not enough to be just a Sunday church member. Real and sound growth doesn’t last only on Sundays. Join other church groups and meetings tailored for your growth and if possible ask for more clarification if you need it.

You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. (‭Titus 2:1)‬

It is relevant that every believer including the newbie in Christ receives sound doctrine tailored for their growth and development in Christ. Just as it will be absurd to feed a newborn baby with meat and solid food, in the same way, the newborn in Christ requires the milk of God’s words until they are developed enough to move on to solid foods. Paul wrote that “You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine.” (‭Titus 2:1)‬. Titus was expected to teach sound doctrine without compromise. Then, Paul outlines basic topics relevant for the different age groups. We shall consider those in subsequent posts.

Paul’s apostolic letter to Titus points out the relevance of teaching and equipping the church with age appropriate information. Like the Cretan church, we should also desire to make room for different age, and gender related ministries to cater for the needs of all members. Never excuse yourself from ministry meetings: Children, Youth, Women and Men’s ministries are instruments in the church to equip members with age-appropriate, and gender related topics relevant for growth. The Women’s ministry is for all women in the church. Men’s ministry is for all men. The Youth ministry is for all youth. Are you a Sunday member or a part of the different ministries?

Marriage Workshop for Singles

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All sessions will be conducted online via Zoom, providing a convenient and accessible platform for participants. The workshop promises to be an interactive and engaging experience, offering opportunities for questions and discussions.

Register Today!

For further details and registration, visit our website. Seize the opportunity to invest in your future and equip yourself with the tools to choose the right spouse the Bible way.

Don’t miss out on this transformative journey towards a Beautiful Marriage Garden! Join Michael and Mary Agronah this March and let the seeds of lasting love take root in your heart.

Renew your strength with physical training

If our aim is to get the ultimate prize of salvation, we should also aim to daily renew our strength.

I work from home and that means that I sit for eight hours a day. I thought working from home would be fun but it really is not. Before the global pandemic came, it would usually take some sort of exercise to get to work. Whether you walk, drive or take public transportation, there is an initial waking up, taking a shower, preparing lunch (if you do),  walking around and finally getting to work. For those who walk or cycle to work, the few minutes exert metabolic actions and make them healthier. These days, most people working from home just wake up, wash down (if they do) eat whatever is in the house and sit at their workspace for hours. Periodic lunch breaks still take one to the kitchen and back to the workspace. Then after work, there is the likelihood of sitting to watch TV or cooking or just calling for takeout delivery and back to bed. If such a lifestyle continues for a few months or years without proper schedules for bodily exercise, one is likely to suffer from the lack of exercise and physical activity. 

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

In fact, sitting down is hard work and if your body doesn’t get rid of all the calories we accumulate in the day, it will reflect on your general appearance. You might look healthy on the outside, but inwardly,  you will be so stressed, tired, and constantly battle with fatigue. Our daily schedule doesn’t seem to make it any easier to have a schedule for fitness such as going to the gym, home fitness sessions (paid or free), taking a walk, running, skipping, swimming or any other physical activity that helps to put the body in shape. One Bible verse that has been a sort of encouragement to me recently is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” All things include physical training for our general well-being. You do not have to do much. A walk through your neighbourhood will go a long way to help those tired limbs. Skipping helps the whole body to be in motion, raising your hands up and down while you dance to your favourite gospel song exercises your feeble hands. 

When we understand that the little benefit of physical training ultimately has eternal value (because we can worship God better when we are fit), we will strive to strike a blow to our bodies to make it subject to us. Paul, using the allusion of athletics for self-discipline among believers, noted that: “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”(1 Corinthians 9:26‭-‬27)
If our aim is to get the ultimate prize of salvation, we should also aim to daily renew our strength. After all, Isaiah 40:20 admonishes us that, “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Our inner strength for our spiritual battles comes from the Lord, but to run physically and not grow weary, we need to train the body for that.

Physical training is of some value!

Take time after work to take a walk, use the skipping rope if you can, do an aerobic dance with your favorite gospel music, do a run, walk your dog, take the children to the park and run after them, avoid junk foods, eat healthy, avoid certain treats if they contain too much calories, cut your consumption of alcohol,  avoid substance abuse etc. 

Early last year, I joined a fitness challenge on Facebook. To be honest, it was the most difficult time to exercise because I had just delivered a few months earlier and my body was just tired from everything. However,  I realized that even though I was not so consistent with the fitness challenge, I became very fit and easily lost some weight I was struggling to deal with. I was able to do more, and fasting intermittently became easier because my body was already lighter. Out of sheer joy, I ended the fitness challenge abruptly and now, I find it even difficult to make time for body exercises. I know that some people will wonder why keeping fit as a Christian is necessary. My response is if you are not fit, even if the church service is brought to your doorsteps, you cannot join. You cannot worship God in dancing (if you like to raise your hands and body in worship) and your prayers will be centered on “Lord  give me strength.” 

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)

It is not bad to pray for physical strength from the Lord. In fact, in the Bible, we see so much healing and deliverance to make sick people well. The ministry of Jesus was filled with so many miracles. He healed the sick, the lame and all sorts of infirmities and made the people whole. The prophets of old and disciples of Jesus operated in the healing ministry and we have been tasked to continue this mandate (Mark 16:18). However, we need to be physically strong in order to go into the world and fulfill our great commission. If we fail to take care of the body God has given us, we will fail to reach the souls God has sent us to minister to. One of the ways to ensure that we are fit for the task is to do physical training. Yes, body exercises! Is that in the Bible, you may ask. Yes! Paul admonished his spiritual son Timothy with these timeless words: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).

Whenever we read this verse, we tend to focus on the second part and ignore the first. Physical training or bodily exercise is of some value and the value no matter how little it is, it is important that we hold on to it. These bodily exercises include fitness training (discipline), abstaining from unhealthy foods, intermittent fasting, abstaining from substances that are detrimental to your health etc. These may sound insignificant but we ignore the little value of taming our bodies, we will be tamed on beds by our weak, sick, fragile bodies. Take time after work to take a walk, use the skipping rope if you can, do an aerobic dance with your favorite gospel music, do a run, walk your dog, take the children to the park and run after them, avoid junk foods, eat healthy, avoid certain treats if they contain too much calories, cut your consumption of alcohol,  avoid substance abuse etc. 

After you have done all these, continue to walk on godliness because “godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8b). 

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