God’s love

God’s love has translated us to become children of God. The best part is, we were loved even when we were sinners. Rejoice and be glad. Grace has paid our ransom.

Throughout the pages of the Old and New Testaments, we encounter the different ways the people chosen by God messed up, forsook God, disappointed God, broke their covenant with God, among many other bad things. Sometimes, it is appropriate to consider the Israelites as stiff-necked people who failed at every angle in their relationship with God. The question is, why did God continue to show them love, favour, care and compassion even in the midst of all their sinfulness? We can fully understand this when we spend time understanding the love of God. For us as humans, we find it difficult to tolerate those who take us for granted and constantly disregard us. We break friendships, we disconnect ties and we walk away when we feel that our generosity is taken as our weakness. However, God’s terms are different.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

After the fall of man, humanity constantly moved farther away from God through our thoughts and deeds. We dwindled down towards sin and death, and it seemed like all hope was lost. Our relationship with God was affected and the only way to reconnect back to Him was to offer sacrifices that temporarily cleanse our sins. God is holy and though He loves the sinner, He does not tolerate sin. Therefore, animal blood became the way to get His attention. However, the blood of animals couldn’t permanently make us holy. We needed a more permanent solution. This solution seemed unrealistic to humanity but God had already put things in place before the foundation of the world. He loved humanity so much that before He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God already had a plan. No wonder in our sinfulness, He was still ready to make His plan work for our redemption. This great love is captured in Romans 5:8, Paul writes that, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Easter is a season to ponder on the love of God. The great love that made God send His only begotten Son to die for our sins. Unfortunately, most children in the West will grow up believing that Easter is about bunnies, empty chocolate covered eggs, and the funfair created by the business side of Easter. We need to let our children know the real reason behind the season. It is love, so great, so mighty, so amazing, so divine that the earth shook in response. We need to tell it on the mountains, in the valleys, on the highways,  on the appian ways, and everywhere. God’s love has changed the course of history. His divine mercy has vindicated us. We are no more slaves to sin and fear. God’s love has translated us to become children of God. The best part is, we were loved even when we were sinners. Rejoice and be glad. Grace has paid our ransom.

The sun and the rain show that the Father is gracious!

If God does not stop the rain from falling on the compound of the wicked, then we shouldn’t stop praying for the wicked to turn from their sins.

Recently, I was pondering about this, “why does God allow evil people to enjoy the same nature as us?” The rich dictators have all the money to visit the best natural habitats in the world. Their houses are built on strategic geographical locations with all the best scenery. They love to live at places where they would have the best view of nature. Some love to build on the mountain overlooking the beautiful vegetation and the rich waters. They live around lush vegetation and their environments are always well-watered. They have the best summer experiences because they have a good view of the sun and their warm pools or the water bodies around their houses give them a good swimming experience. Meanwhile, they keep oppressing the poor, the widow, the orphans and some even kill others just to remain at the top. Some are heartless, ruthless and selfish. All they desire is their self-gratification. So why does God still allow them to live to enjoy the sun, the rain and all the beauty of nature?

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew 5: 44-45)

God’s grace is indeed revealed through nature. God doesn’t love the sinner less. The truth is, God’s love for the sinner caused the death of His only begotten Son, and whoever turns from their sin and comes to God is saved (John 3:16). Similarly, nature is not meant for the righteous alone. Matthew 5:45 states that: “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” The Father does not hide nature from evil men but through creation, He makes known Himself to sinners (Romans 1:20). If you go to the house of the wicked, the sun is not darkened there. The rain is not hindered from falling on evil men. So whenever we see the sun shining or the rain falling, we should remember that God’s grace is being shared with all people.

The understanding that both good and evil people are recipients of God’s grace revealed through nature, should make us compassionate for the soul of the sinner. We should not rain curses on our enemies but shower them with God’s love. Jesus said that we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, so that we may be children of your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:44). Sin is what separates human beings from God. So we should pray for the wicked to turn away from their sin. The truth is, if we fail to pray for the sinner to turn from their wickedness, their actions could directly or indirectly affect us. If God does not stop the rain from falling on the compound of the wicked, then we shouldn’t stop praying for the wicked to turn from their sins. The sun shines brightly on the good and the bad, so must we show the love of God on all people. Maybe, our prayers, love and care will cause them to change. The Father is gracious and so must we!

God demonstrates his own love for us- Be a praiser! 

Be a praiser and the worries of the world would grow dim when the light of God’s grace shines on you.

Over the weekend, our dining table accidentally broke and fell on my leg. The pain was excruciating and I screamed in pain. My two daughters were waiting for their snack which was on the table but also fell and poured on the floor. I was in so much pain but I was grateful to God that the table fell on me rather than the girls. On the other hand, the girls started to cry. I was confused whether they were crying because I was in pain or they were crying for their snack that just poured down. This just reminded me of the fact God sent Son to take our place. If only the accusers knew that Jesus willingly took their place, maybe they would have been grateful. God’s love for us caused Him to send His only Son to take our place (John 3:16). We were guilty as charged but our punishment was meted on Jesus so we can be free from the power of sin and death.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

As I was glad that I took the pain instead of my daughters, God did not just assign pain unto Jesus but death on the cross. A humiliating death assigned to criminals. The Bible says that, “Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand” (Isaiah 53:10). We were undeserving of this great sacrifice but, “but God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). This ultimate sacrifice of God paid for our salvation, our debt was paid for, we were declared free and we ultimately became the children of God. 

Our understanding of this leads to a higher praise and worship. When we see how undeserving we were and the fact that God’s love caused us to be moved from darkness to light, it set the pace for our worship. Sometimes, situations may cause us to worry about the temporary concerns and forget about the permanent sacrifice we have received. It is so possible that the worries and cares of this world could deter us from seeing the bigger picture. Like the scenario I gave, we could either focus on the fallen snack or be grateful that someone else was afflicted so we were not. Afterall, the whole world is the Lord and nothing is too difficult for Him. Be a praiser and the worries of the world would grow dim when the light of God’s grace shines on you. Remain blessed.

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