Go to the ant and consider its ways!

No ant is homeless. No ant is poor. No ant is an orphan. No ant is different. All the ants work together to store their provisions in summer and gather food in the harvest. 

Several years ago, my parents used to have a farm which was far away from the house. There was no means of transportation to the farm as at that time, so the journey to the farm was made by walking on a long path, on stones, stepping on a couple of anthills accidentally and crossing a little stream. As a child, the only motivation of going to the farm was the free view of beautiful vegetation and admiring other people who were also trekking to the farm. I specifically loved the anthills along the way and the busyness of the ants who dragged their food to their castle. The teamwork, the determination and the persistence of the ants were admirable. We lived in a tropical zone and the rainfalls were torrential rains that mostly caused the little stream along the way to the farm to flood. Humans struggled to cross the stream at its flood state but the ants would be in their anthill enjoying the food they had saved for the period. What does this teach us about life? 

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. (Proverbs 6:6‭-8)

First, the ants are not lazy, they invest in food for the future. While the weather is good and jolly, they work to store food. No ant is left out, the team of ants or an ant colony with queen(s), workers and male ants work together to ensure a good storage. No ant is aimless or lazy. There is orderliness and that is why their population never reduces. You may spray out a bunch of them today, but they will be around tomorrow. They don’t give up. Proverbs 6:6-8 admonished the sluggard or the lazy person to do this: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” Maybe you have accidentally stepped on and killed a couple of ants, maybe you care less about ants, maybe you hate them for taking over your home, maybe you are just not an ant person etc. Most of us are just like that, we would rather live an ant-free lives than to bother studying ants. However, we cannot miss this, the ants teach us about life.

When we understand that “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:10‭-‬11), we will make some important ant-steps to prepare for the future. For example, we engage in work to be able to take care of ourselves, help others and invest into the future. Ants are economical; they don’t consume all their food at a go, they invest the rest for the future. Ants are teamwork specialists; they know how to work together to achieve a definite goal. Ants have orderliness in their colony; they have the queen(s), the workers, the male ants etc. This structure helps them to achieve their goals of saving for the future and also ensures sustainability. Ants may all look alike, but none goes unnoticed. No ant hides under the guise that all of them look the same and avoid work. The anthill is for all the ants, no ant is homeless! No ant is poor, no ant is an orphan and no ant is different. All the ants work together to store their provisions in summer and gather food in the harvest. 

Do not dwell on the part: Start investing into your well-being 

Dwelling on the past alone stalls growth and progress. If you have tried to take care of your health in the past and have failed, do not dwell on that to determine another failure. Consciously let go of the former lifestyles that caused you pain and weariness. Motivate yourself with the word of God that your newness will spring forth and people will perceive it.

Whenever I look at the pictures taken during my marriage ceremony, I beam with a smile. I  always compliment my very cute self and hold on to the fact that I have been very cute before. Certainly, my body has undergone different changes in the past few years. Age and childbirth have been instrumental in these changes. However, if I desire to have a glimpse of my cute self, I should work towards that. Admiring my photos alone will not change anything. If you are looking forward to maintaining a specific weight, do not be content just looking at the past. It doesn’t change anything. It is important to know that not everyone is able to maintain the same body appearance for years. We need to understand that genetics, age, and other factors play a major role in our physical changes. However, as much as we can, we should be intentional about investing in our health and well-being. 

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.(Isaiah 43:18‭-‬19)

Memories of the past should inspire us to strive for the best. We are not past dwellers! In fact, our faith proclaims newness. God is from the past, in the present and in our future.  He moves in each dispensation but He still remains the same. He does not just want us to dwell in the past. He does new things each day and so must we! In Isaiah 43:18-19, God encourages His people with these words: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Dwelling on the past alone stalls growth and progress. If you have tried to take care of your health in the past and have failed, do not dwell on that to determine another failure. Consciously let go of the former lifestyles that caused you pain and weariness. Motivate yourself with the word of God that your newness will spring forth and people will perceive it.

Don’t allow others to discourage you. Your past should not cause you to doubt your ability. Neither should you just dwell on past glory and fail to take action to ensure a future success. Start from somewhere: take baby steps to your health and well-being and you will notice a dramatic change in your life. You cannot change the past, but you have control over the future. Don’t be quick to give up on yourself. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to reflect the presence of God. Remember that our health and well-being is important to God. We will give account to God for how well we took care of this flesh. Start investing into your well-being and you will reap the benefits. If you know people who are struggling to let go of the past and take charge of the future, encourage them that God is interested in doing new things in their lives. Let’s bear one another into healthy lifestyles. 

Striving for excellence: A holistic approach to health and well-being 

An excellent Christian lifestyle is a holistic approach to ensuring both spiritual growth and maturity, and physical well-being.

The measure of the quality of our lives is dependent on different factors. Today, let’s consider healthy lifestyles. Everyone desires to have a blissful future with good health and success. I am not sure that anyone who is sane will desire a future with a frail body. Even people who are active in sports have health care for emergency purposes. It is very important to strive for a sustainable future with good health. Definitely, only God knows the future but we should not take that for granted and neglect our health. If we refuse to give attention to our health, God knows that we will be operating with weak bodies in the future. We should consider a holistic approach towards our health and well-being. We should be considerate with whatever goes into us. Food does not make us unrighteous (Matthew 15:11) but food can contribute to adverse health problems

“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? (Luke 14:28)

In order to live a purpose-driven life, we should purposely consider efforts towards a sustainable future of good health. Accidents do happen but we can control the least accidental situation. Eating unhealthy foods is not an accident. Refusing to exercise the body is not an accident. Not having time to invest in your health is not an accident. We have to intentionally strive for healthy lifestyles. It is a cost we have to bear if we want to live a purposeful life. Jesus asked His disciples in Luke 14:28: “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Have we counted the cost of attaining a healthy lifestyle? Are we ready to make sacrifices to stop eating unhealthy foods because of the implications they have on the body? Are we committed to glorifying God with healthy lifestyles?

We cannot present what we do not have. You cannot preach that Jesus saves when you need to be saved from the clutches of addiction. Imagine waking up to find the preacher in your church in the news for drunk driving. I am not sure, if he gives a sermon on “Living to please God” you will be pleased. Imagine yourself in the court of God and you need to defend yourself about being a good custodian of your body. What will be your defense? An excellent Christian lifestyle is a holistic approach to ensuring both spiritual growth and maturity,  and physical well-being. God wants us to prosper in all we do. He will not do for us what He has entrusted us to do. No amount of grace will cause God to exercise for you. No level of Spirituality will cause you to escape the general needs of the body. If we want to have a fulfilling Christian life, we should be good stewards of our lives. 

There is a time to invest in your health and well-being!

We all have 24 hours a day and how we spend it, can have a direct relationship with our future. There is “a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot”, but while we are alive, there is also a time to invest in our health and well-being.

We all have 24 hours in a day and how we apportion time for the things that really matter is important. You cannot blame God for giving others more time than you. Whether you live in Africa or Oceania, everyone has access to 24 hours in a day. It is therefore worthwhile to learn to manage our time effectively. This blog post might be of help if you need help with time management. One comment that most of us make daily is “I don’t have time” and this has become part of our daily struggles. I understand the complexities of life, the load of work and the time we spend each day to make sure our families enjoy a good life. We can be lost in all these things and forget to actually take care of ourselves. More specifically, those of us who migrated from developing countries to the West can be consumed in so much work to satisfy our families back home. We tend to forget our existence. We pay huge amounts of money to take care of family members, invest in properties, help friends but hardly make time to even consider our own health and well-being. 

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

The preacher states that: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). This includes a time to invest in your health and well-being. We need to be intentional about this and make a conscious effort to make that investment. What happens if you work so tirelessly to buy the most expensive house but spend the rest of your life confined on a hospital bed? You made time to work yourself out, but you never made time to work on your health. If we daily complain that there is no time to take care of our health, we will miss the opportunity to make sure that we are fit. Remember that there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:4). If you fail to have time to take care of your health, friends and family will make time to weep over you when you are no more. In fact, people will take time to attend your memorial service. 

When we understand that God has made us custodians of this physical body, we should be mindful to make time to keep fit. You don’t need a gym membership to be fit. There are basic human activities that contribute to good health. Walking, running, skipping, swimming, dancing, cycling etc. are activities that are good for our well-being. We should also consider investing in age-appropriate physical activity. If you have the resources, you can join your local fitness centre, get a treadmill or get yourself any of the computer assisted training programs. There are countless free online resources for health and well-being. Make time to build yourself a good and healthy lifestyle. As we grow older, there are certain lifestyles we should avoid. If you still have a daily hangover at 50 years, you should see a therapist to assist you with alcohol addiction. 

Remember that we all have 24 hours a day and how we spend it, can have a direct relationship with our future. There is “a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot” (Ecclesiastes 3:2), but while we are alive, there is also a time to invest in our health and well-being.

Kingdom financial principles: Count the cost

Good intentions alone cannot raise a structure, build an investment plan or prepare for a sustainable future. We need proper planning and strategies to ensure growth and continuity. 

Growing up in a developing country, I encountered several abandoned projects. These projects were started with good intentions but along the way, the owners or the pioneers gave up. Surprisingly, not only were individual projects abandoned but government projects were left incomplete. What could be the reason for these abandoned projects? These projects had originally been initiated with good intentions so why halt them? Good intentions alone cannot raise a structure, build an investment plan or prepare for a sustainable future. We need proper planning and strategies to ensure growth and continuity. 

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it (Luke 14:28 NKJV)

Jesus admonishes us to count the cost before starting to build a tower, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it” (Luke 14:28 NKJV). It is prudent to always count the cost before beginning any venture. When we count the cost, we make adequate preparation for the project. We commit time and resources into projects knowing that the returns are great. However, if we do not count the cost, we might end up stopping midway. I have engaged in several ventures that halted midway. I did not count the cost and I wasted time and resources that yielded nothing. When I sat down later to ponder over it, I told myself, “I should not have started this in the first place.”

Some businesses look lucrative from the beginning but they ultimately cost so much to build and manage and the competition is outrageous. Do not be moved by inviting advertising to invest in businesses you cannot afford to run. That advertiser saying that it costs nothing is the same person who will charge you everything just to give you the information needed to start. Before committing to any venture, know how much is involved, get details, know the intricacies and the possible ways to get trained for it. Document everything and consider your financial strength in relation to the business you are about to enroll in. Seek professional counseling if possible and do not make hasty decisions. It is better not to start a project than to invest a substantial amount of money into it and lose it all. 

Jesus shared today’s verse when admonishing his followers on leaving everything and following Him. Our walk with the Lord comes at a cost and we should not lose sight of that. Remember that you have been called into a union with Christ and that should affect both your spiritual growth and your personal development. There are certain decisions we make ìn life that can affect our spiritual and physical well-being. Do not allow lack of  financial diligence to cause a stagnation in your spiritual growth. 

Kingdom financial principles: Invest with the bank

Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

There are several ways we can invest our money for good returns. Obviously, the best investments are business related. However, if based on your schedule you cannot be engaged in another venture, then the bank is the next alternative. Most financial institutions have very good investment packages that believers can take advantage of. As we have seen from previous blogs, God expects us to have a kingdom mindset about money and investment. Growing up in a developing country, one thing that stood out was the fact that some financial institutions were operating without the proper accreditation. If you are residing in a country where the laws regarding the regulation of financial institutions are not strong, please be mindful to do your due diligence before you invest your money with swindlers. 

Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.(Matthew 25:27)

In the parable of the talent, Jesus rebuked the third servant who refused to invest his bag of gold. This man was given one bag based on his abilities yet, he was not profitable. According to Jesus,”the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’” (Matthew 25:18, 24-25). The master expected this wicked and lazy servant to have at least done the least: “Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.” (Matthew 25:27).

There are several ways to invest with the bank and receive interest on our investment. As believers, we should take advantage of these to prepare for the future. Reach out to your bank and discuss the options that work best for you. Jesus in teaching this parable admonishes us to put our resources into profitable ventures. The banks have interest rates that ensure growth. Remember, not every investment option will work for you. Buying stocks may come with some risks. If you are not ready to take risks, then stick with investment packages that ensure that your money appreciates at all times. As we have been admonished to get wisdom and understanding in all things (Proverbs 4:5-9), let us reach out to people who can help us understand the different investment options so we can choose wisely. 

Remember to “sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.”(Ecclesiastes 11:6)

Kingdom financial principles: Invest in profitable ventures 

Investment is God’s modus operandi for growth. No wonder the first couple were even tasked to populate the earth by bringing forth others like them.

Should a Christian be involved in businesses? Yes! There is no scripture that promotes sluggishness and therefore we have to engage in profitable ventures.  One means of investment is through working with your capital. All the multinational companies in the world can attest to the fact that the capital they invested into their businesses had been multiplied severally. There are many opportunities for businesses and with the rise in knowledge, no one should have an excuse. The Bible admonishes us to get wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 4:5-9). Jesus also admonishes us to count the cost before beginning any venture (Lukke 14:28-30). Having the right training, knowledge,  understanding and experience will make any business successful. The grace of God is the extra factor that propels Christian businesses that are built on the fundamentals of God’s word.

The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more.(Matthew 25:16)

Jesus told a parable of a man who entrusted his servants with gold. These servants were given the bags of gold based on their strengths. Today we shall focus on the servants who invested their bags of gold. “The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more.” (Matthew 25:16-‬17). The men who received five and two bags of gold invested their gold into businesses. They worked with it. These men knew the kind of businesses that would give good returns. They did not put the money down and fold their arms. Working with the bags of gold would have demanded waking up early in the morning,  finding the right businesses, contacting the right people, being tenacious, not compromising to defeat, giving out their best etc. so that the businesses would grow. 

No wonder their investment doubled. They both had a good return for the bags of gold that were put into work. This was the master’s commendation to the man who had good returns: “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”(Matthew 25:21). The same was said to the one who was given two bags of gold. In teaching this truth, Jesus reveals to us the need to engage in profitable ventures. In fact, even the kingdom of God is alluded to  a single seed that is planted and brings out several other seeds. Investment is God’s modus operandi for growth. No wonder the first couple were even tasked to populate the earth by bringing forth others like them.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (Genesis 1:28)

We have been called to be fruitful in everything including our businesses. May the Holy Spirit grant us insight into building profitable businesses. 

Kingdom investment principles: Invest in others

God’s principles for financial success are built on a structure that permits the giver to receive.

Generosity is a good virtue that every believer should have. When we give liberally, we secure for ourselves financial friends. Let me share a personal story of how generosity can be a blessing. Just before my husband and I got married, we were surprised by family and friends. We only had to prepare ourselves and get our personal needs for the day. People we have supported previously generously donated towards the occasion. From invitation cards, to food and transportation, people graciously offered assistance in kind and in monetary contributions. I was amazed by their generosity but I believe for most of them, they had received and they gave back in a greater proportion. 

Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.(Ecclesiastes 11:2)

One of the surest ways believers can invest is to invest in others. The Amplified version quotes Ecclesiastes 11:2 as “Give a portion to seven, yes, even [divide it] to eight, for you know not what evil may come upon the earth.” (Ecclesiastes 11:2 AMPC). This principle does not only work for believers. In fact, Jesus gave a parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16:1-9. This manager, knowing that his master was taking his job away, shrewdly used the master’s own wealth to secure friends so that after he had been laid off, he would have people who would assist him. Jesus admonishes us to “use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings” (Luke 16:9). There are people who can transform lives only if they get the right support. If you are in a position to assist such people, do so and you will benefit from it.

God’s principles for financial success are built on a structure that permits the giver to receive. Rich business tycoons who use their wealth wisely to secure financial friends never lack even when their businesses collapse. It is good to take care of yourself first, but remember to give portions to others. Give portions to seven or eight or even more for on a rainy day, you will have friends who will lift you up. Never be weary of investing in others. If we have the opportunity, do good to all people, especially those in the household of faith (Galatians 6:10). You do not know the day you will be faced by hardships or disaster will strike you. Be intentional about investing in the lives of others and you will reap bountifully in due time.

Kingdom investment principles: Ship your grains across the sea

Even as we prosper in spiritual things, may we also desire to have excellency in managing finances.

Many of us consider the Bible as a book that considers the spiritual growth of people. But, the Bible is an all-encompassing book with answers for every issue of life. God is not just interested in taking us to Heaven but He also delights in giving believers a fulfilled Christian life while on earth. Therefore, God has given us Biblical principles to ensure that we take hold of the riches of this world and we do not become poor. Investment is grounded in scriptures and from the Old to the New Testament, we have been given principles that ensure financial sustenance. Understanding that the systems that rule the world are not always stable and that there is a possibility of a rainy day will motivate believers to save for the future.

Ship your grain across the sea; after many days you may receive a return.(Ecclesiastes 11:1)

The book of Ecclesiastes presents some of these principles of investment. The first principles of sustaining the future with financial excellence is putting in place a system of return-based investment. Most of us working have been automatically enrolled in a pension scheme and the focus of this scheme is to gather percentages of our salaries and put it in an investment package for us. At the end of the day, or at retirement, the money that has been saved over the years will become a source of income to us. It is like shipping your finances across to a safe place and after many days, you will receive returns. Investing in retirement homes, pension saving plans, retirement healthcare plans does not seem pleasant at the beginning. If you consider all the monthly deductions, you might want to give up.

However, knowledge that the little drops of water (money) makes a mighty ocean (a great investment) pushes us to be consistent in our investment for the future. As we ship our grains across the sea, we look forward to fruitful returns. Know that God wants us to prosper both spiritually and physically. Therefore, do not grow in one and stagnate in the other. Read good books on financial principles for a sustainable future. If you are in a business, consult experts with knowledge on managing resources. Be ready to learn at all times to grow and become prosperous. Even as we prosper in spiritual things, may we also desire to have excellency in managing finances. Never put your trust in people for your sustenance. Know that you have been given the same 24 hours. Invest with godly principles and reap bountifully.

May God bless the works of our hands in Jesus name… Amen.

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