Prominent Greek women in Berea

The prominent Greek women were women of power and might have been instrumental in the growth and development of the city of Berea.

The post on Eunice elucidated on the cultural gap between Jews and Greeks as at the time of Jesus and even during the days of the early church. We identified that historically, there was a huge cultural gap between Jews and Greeks at the time of Paul. We saw that historically, the Greeks had conquered and controlled the Jews until the Romans took over. Which made the Jews develop some sort of rivalry towards the Greeks. The period of the Greeks’ rule infiltrated Jewish society with Hellenistic culture. The presence of the Greek language, Greek gods and Greek temples in Jewish communities was a testament of the massive religious and cultural influence. This post will focus on a section of Greek women who lived in Berea. The city of Berea was 43 miles southwest of Thessalonica and it is estimated that traveling from Thessalonica to Berea was likely to have taken two days of walking. After Paul and his Silas fled Thessalonica, they went to Berea. When they arrived in Berea, they went to the Jewish synagogue (Acts 17:10).

As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men. (Acts 17:12)

Very early in life, I understood that I needed the attitude of the Berean Jews for a concentrated Christian growth. What was the attitude of the Berean Jews. Acts 17:11 states this: “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” By cross-examining scripture, they were able to verify all the claims Paul and Silas made about the Messiah. The result of their due diligence to investigate scripture in accordance with the words of Paul and Silas was this: “As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.” (Acts 17:12). The prominent Greek women were women of esteem. They were highly regarded in the society. They were influential and possibly some of these prominent women controlled businesses and commerce. The prominent Greek women were women of power and might have been instrumental in the growth and development of the city of Berea.

The Greeks were considered highly philosophical and they had a huge crave for wisdom unlike theJews who were seeking for signs (1 Corinthians 1:22). Thus, in a city infiltrated with Greeks and Greek culture, the apostle Paul and his team had to explain scripture from the viewpoint of wisdom and knowledge. The prominent Greek women did not just jump to believe. Like the Jews in Berea, these women might have carefully analyzed the evidence of Paul’s submission in relation to both historical sources and current oral narrative on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, the Revealer of truth did His work of conviction and this led to a successful evangelistic experience. The prominent Greek women were part of those believed. The Berean Jews together with these prominent Greek women and many Greek men came to faith and these began the church in Berea.

The success in the church in Berea attracted a common enemy. When the Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the word of God at Berea, some of them went there too, agitating the crowds and stirring them up (Acts 17:13). The Berean believers, knowing the danger ahead, immediately sent Paul to the coast, but Silas and Timothy stayed at Berea (Acts 17:14). Thus, the work in Berea did not cease. Under the watchful eyes of the prominent Greek women, Silas and Timothy might have enjoyed some freedom to disciple the church and to win more souls into the faith. The church in Berea was helped by God and through the presence of these influential women, God established His church even in the midst of strong opposition.

The Berean church benefited from the influence of these highly esteemed women. God does not place us in our local churches to just add to the numbers. You have been assigned there for a specific purpose. You might not be the prominent Greek woman, but you could be the Anna interceding for the church. Never underestimate what you can do to bring growth in the church. Be a Berean Christian who diligently searches scripture and be generous enough to share God’s love with the people around you.

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