Esther: The requests of the Queen 

In just one night, two forces competed for Mordecai (honour and dishonour). The matter was settled in heaven and earth had to align to heaven’s verdict. Esther’s request was for a second banquet with the king and Haman. Between the night of the first banquet and the evening of the second banquet, the heavens declared the heart of God. The tables turned and Haman walked straight into the pitch he dug for Mordecai.

As we continue our study on Esther also known as Hadassah, we have come to a critical point of Esther’s salvation of the Jews. From the previous posts, we have seen that Esther was an orphan who rose up to become the Queen of Persia. She replaced Vashti, because Queen Vashti dishonoured king Xerxes through her disobedience. In all her journey to the royal throne, Esther won the favour of Hegai, the keeper of the harem, she won the favour of those who saw her as she moved to the Palace for her one night with the king. Ultimately, Esther won the favour of the king. Esther seemed to have a blissful moment until one man,  Haman, was promoted as the second in command to the king. Haman was angry at Mordecai, Esther’s uncle for not bowing down to him. Instead of Haman to punish Mordecai for what he did, Haman decided to exterminate all the Jews in the Persian kingdom. Esther had a secret and the secret was that  her nationality was unknown to the king. Thus, Haman, the king’s second in command, declared death for the Queen. Esther had to do something about it but she was afraid that if the king did not extend his scepter, she would be killed. Esther requested that the Jewish people fast for her as she and her household also fast for three days. 

Thus, Esther and the Jews prepared for Esther’s meeting with the king. Esther had to let go of the luxuries of the palace for three days. She denied herself pleasure. She subdued her flesh in order to uplift her spirit. She humbled herself to God through fasting. She demonstrated her neediness for superior help. She understood that her position as queen was not enough to turn the verdict. She knew the systems and dynamics of authourity. In fasting and committing the situation to God,  Esther and the Jewish people brought King Xerxes under God’s superior authourity. Esther understood that in the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that He channels toward all who please him (Proverbs 21:1). Esther understood that to please the king, she must first please the Lord. After dealing with the spiritual side of the battle, this is what happened, “On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance.” (Esther 5:1). Esther made a move, she went to the court of the palace even though she had not been summoned. Thus, the fasting did bring the king to Esther, but Esther had the courage to face the king. Thus defeating her greatest fear and uncertainty. The second victory was this, “When he (King Xerxes) saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter.” (Esther 5:2). The king favoured Esther, the Lord directed the heart of the King towards Esther. Instead of condemnation, Esther received acceptance. 

Then the king asked, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given you.” (Esther 5:3)

Finally, after Esther had gained courage to meet the king, received favour for acceptance before the king, something happened. Esther didn’t even say a word, but the king spoke and asked, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given you.” (Esther 5:3). Imagine! The Queen wanted less than half of the kingdom, she went to plead for her life and that of her people but she was offered half of the kingdom. Indeed God turned the heart of Xerxes towards Esther. You would have expected Esther to quickly state her request that she wants the Jews spared. But, she knew better that the court was not the right place.  Esther’s request was this, “If it pleases the king, let the king, together with Haman, come today to a banquet I have prepared for him.” (Esther 5:4). Esther invited the King and Haman (the man who wants her and her people dead) for a banquet. It sounds ridiculous but Esther did just that! The king’s reply was this, “Bring Haman at once, so that we may do what Esther asks.” So the king and Haman went to the banquet Esther had prepared (Esther 5:5). At the banquet, the king asked again, “Now what is your petition? It will be given you. And what is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be granted.” (Esther 5:6). Esther’s reply was this,  “My petition and my request is this: If the king regards me with favour and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and fulfill my request, let the king and Haman come tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for them. Then I will answer the king’s question.” (Esther 5:7‭-‬8). Esther was not quick to answer. God was working behind the scene to honour Mordecai. If Esther had let the cat out of the bag on the first night, maybe Haman would have been killed but Mordecai’s honour would have been different.  The delay was for God to bring the perfect opportunity for Mordecai to be honoured and Haman to pay for his vile intentions. 

The night after the dinner was a long one for the king and Haman. While the king couldn’t sleep, Haman couldn’t sleep either. The king’s sleeplessness was because Mordecai had to be honoured. Haman’s sleeplessness was because he wanted Mordecai killed. In just one night, two forces competed for Mordecai (honour and dishonour). But, Mordecai, Esther and all Jews had fasted and brought the case before the Chief Judge of all (the Lord). The matter was settled in heaven and earth had to align to heaven’s verdict. Esther’s request was for a second banquet with the king and Haman. Between the night of the first banquet and the evening of the second banquet, the heavens declared the heart of God. The tables turned and Haman walked straight into the pitch he dug for Mordecai. We shall continue this…

The Pumpkin pie that refused to be present at Thanksgiving

Have you responded to your Maker’s call?

Imagine buying a pumpkin and spending hours and hours to make a delicious pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. On the afternoon of Thanksgiving, you walk to the kitchen to pick the pie and serve it to your family and friends gathered in your house. From nowhere, an annoying voice screams from the pumpkin pie, I DON’T WANT TO BE PRESENT AT THANKSGIVING. I CAN’T BE BOTHERED AT ALL. I HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY BEAUTIFUL SELF AND RELAX.

At first you will be scared of the talking pumpkin pie but the message of the pie might enrage you to start eating it before giving the rest to the guests. After all, you used your money, time and strength to make the pie. It cannot dictate to you whether it wants to be present at Thanksgiving or not. 

This story might sound fictional and funny but in reality, there are many people in the world who act like this pumpkin pie. They don’t care about God their Maker and have no regard for the things of God. Such people want to be left alone and do not want to associate with anything that has to do with God. They also condemn and criticize people who trust in God. At the slightest view of misfortune, they blame God for everything even though they do not trust Him. 

He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come. (Matthew 22:3)

Jesus shares a similar parable in the book of Matthew chapter 22. A king prepared a banquet and invited people (probably his subjects) to the banquet. They refused and even killed some of the messengers. The people could not be bothered with the king’s banquet. They had their own plans. The result of these rebellious people was destruction. As we ponder over these stories, you might want to ask yourself if you have responded to the call of the Lord. Are you refusing your Maker just like the pumpkin pie? You can make that U-turn now before it becomes too late. The Lord is calling you to come to Him.

Pray with me

Dear Lord, I am sorry for the many times I have responded NO to Your call. I submit my will under Your authority. Use me for Your own glory in Jesus name. Amen. 

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