The letter to Philemon (Part 3)

Whether you fall in the place of Philemon or Onesimus, remember that second chances are not always promised. However, when God allows you the opportunity to start over again, let your transformation impact the world.

In Paul’s letter to Philemon, Paul reveals that his prayer for Philemon is that the partnership with the saints in the faith may be effective in deepening Philemon’s understanding of every good thing they share for the sake of Christ (Philemon 1:6). Thus, although Paul recommends Philemon in the introductory part of his letter, Paul also reveals that there is more room for Philemon to grow in his knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, Philemon’s love for the church  gives Paul great joy and encouragement, because Philemon refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people (Philemon 1:7). One will say that Philemon was that brother who had a contagious love for the people of God. He would have sacrificed a lot to ensure the growth of the church. It was after Paul’s words of praise and encouragement that delve into the main focus of his letter: an appeal for Onesimus.

that I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me. (‭Philemon 1:10-11)

Onesimus was the slave of Philemon. However, Onesimus ran away which was against the rules binding him to his master. It is also possible to postulate that in his flight, Onesimus might have taken some things that belong to Philemon. Remember,  as a slave, Onesimus didn’t have what it takes to make the long journey from Colossae to Rome. So, Onesimus the runaway slave met Paul in Rome. One way or another, Onesimus converted to become a believer in Rome. Paul, a man of peace, might have spoken with Onesimus and after knowing the background of Onesimus, Paul decided to restore Onesimus to his master. Paul, being aware of the consequences of dealing with a runaway slave, began his appeal on the basis of love. In Philemon 1:8-9, the apostle Paul wrote that, “Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. It is as none other than Paul—an old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus.” Paul didn’t use spiritual and mentoring authority over Philemon to force him to accept Onesimus. Rather, Paul made an appeal: “I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.” (‭Philemon 1:10-11).

Was Onesimus useless to Philemon? Paul’s appeal revealed that as a runaway slave, Onesimus was of no use to Philemon. Surprisingly, the Greek definition for Onesimus is “useful”. Yet, when Onesimus left his master, there was no use for him. However, when Onesimus encountered Paul in Rome, the reverse happened. He became useful not just as a helper to Paul but also as a brother in Christ. Paul’s appeal was for Philemon to first accept Onesimus as a useful person and also as a changed person. Onesimus, remorseful of his attitude towards his master, was ready to return to Colossae as a slave of Philemon. It was now the turn of Philemon to accept his slave back to his home. There are many types of ‘Onesimuses’ in our world. men and women who succeed in hurting the people God sent to help them rise. Instead of being helpful to their helpers, ‘Onesimuses’ become useless time wasters who waste all the investments done in their lives. Whether you fall in the place of Philemon or Onesimus, remember that second chances are not always promised. However, when God allows you the opportunity to start over again, let your transformation impact the world.

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