Mary and Martha: At the feet of Jesus

Woman, woman, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed. Be still, be teachable, ready to listen and ready to spend quality time with the Lord! Choose to be at the feet of Jesus.

During my undergraduate days at the University, I played active roles in the women’s ministry. There was a special department within the women’s ministry that was responsible for cooking and serving during special occasions such as missionary trips. From my first year until the time I served as a National service personnel (5 years in total), I was fully dedicated to this special ministry which was named Martha Ministry. I took this responsibility with all love and my passion for cooking made me delight in what I was doing. On the side, my active engagement in the Martha Ministry led to constant lateness to crusades (during missionary trips), tiredness to the extent of not focusing much in meetings and most importantly missing most important discussions and sermons. In fact, if I had the opportunity to serve on the Martha ministry again, I guess I will plan better so I don’t miss listening to sermons and missing important details because of cooking. The food is necessary but the busyness of making the food should not deny me the opportunity to eat the food that gives eternal life. Whenever I read Luke 10, I am reminded of myself. Let’s consider two sisters who were so dear to Jesus and how they demonstrated their love for Him.

She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. (Luke 10:39)

Martha and her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus loved the Lord so dearly. According to Luke 10:38-39, “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.” Mary was aware of the guests in the house and yet she decided to sit and listen to Jesus without going to the kitchen to make some food. Mary showed her love for the Lord by her readiness to listen to Him. On the other hand, “Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made” (Luke 10:40a). Martha showed her love by her service to the Lord and His disciples. Maybe like me, your first impression was, “But why will Mary just listen? Jesus and His disciples needed to eat. Mary shouldn’t just sit down, she should have helped.” Martha felt the same. As she busied herself at the kitchen, managing to cook enough food for Jesus and His entourage, Martha missed the message Jesus was sharing. She was chopping all the things by herself, washing all the bowls, stirring at the same time, running back and forth to make sure that the food tasted awesome. Mary just sat at the feet of Jesus listening to Him. As Martha busied herself with cooking, Mary busied herself consuming the words of life.

When Martha couldn’t hold it any longer, she came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” (Luke 10:40b). You would have expected Jesus to command Mary to go and help Martha out in the kitchen. However, Jesus’ response was this: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41‭-‬42). Martha was concerned about pleasing Jesus and His disciples. This concern turned to worry and led her to become upset. Jesus’ response shows that, at that time, Martha did not need to worry about cooking and serving, at the time Jesus was ministering, “few things are needed—or indeed only one.” Jesus expected Martha to sit down like Mary and just listen to Him. Jesus didn’t turn down the preparations made by Martha, but encouraged Martha that, at the time He was speaking, what really mattered was sitting down and listening to the words of life. The preparation can be done afterwards. Service shouldn’t replace learning!

I lived the Martha kind of lifestyle for a long time. I busied myself so much that I ended up getting almost nothing. My growth was halted and I ended up concerned about all the preparations that needed to be done. Finally I understood that there is indeed time for every matter. Preparation time is different from listening time. I finally understood 1 Timothy 2: 11; “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.” Consider these typical feminine traits: Imagine all the talking and distractions at church, the unnecessary conversations at church and cell meetings, shifting the focus from the message to dressing of the messenger, the unnecessary brawl about whose child is loud and whose dress is the finest, the high demand to make the best meal for the potluck, the concern with appearance, among many other distractions that can cause the growth of the Christian woman to be halted. Quietness is not just being silent, imagine all the inner noise we carry each day to church. While the message is being delivered you are distracted by the lunch plans; constantly looking at your watch so you don’t miss your favourite TV show; thinking about last night’s quarrel you had with your husband; focusing on Sister A’s hairstyle and Sister B’s shoes. By the time service is over, you have missed everything. Woman, woman, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed. Be still, be teachable, ready to listen and ready to spend quality time with the Lord! Choose to be at the feet of Jesus.

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