EVERYDAY CHRISTLIKENESS by Michael and Mary Agronah leads readers on a changing journey towards a better understanding and everyday application of Christlikeness. Using biblical principles, the authors provide a complete roadmap for believers to accept and exemplify the character of Christ in their daily lives. The authors explore the concept of Christlikeness and its significance in a believer’s life. Through scriptural references, Michael and Mary set the foundation for readers to comprehend the transformational power of Christlikeness. 

Michael and Mary also provide readers encouragement and practical advice on how to become more Christlike in their daily lives. The authors demonstrate that being a Christlike person is a lifelong pursuit that is made easier by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling.

The book “Everyday Christlikeness” by Michael and Mary Agronah provides readers with a comprehensive strategy for becoming more like Christ. Individuals, small groups, and churches that want to deepen their understanding of Christlikeness and live out their faith in a practical and transformative way would benefit greatly from this book.

This book is available for free download. Click here for your free PDF copy.

This book is part of the series on Christianity and Lifestyle.

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