The letter to Titus (Part 13)

As we are transformed and renewed, we should also be intentional to avoid instances that cause division in order to avoid self-condemnation. The church of God is a place where broken lives are mended.

Dealing with a divisive person can be quite a hurdle. Such people are usually bent on causing confusion wherever they go. They spread rumors, gossip and orchestrate stories that spike up arguments and strife. When a divisive person meets person A, they have a different story to share. Similarly, whatever person A says can be distorted in a reported speech to persons B and C. As the circle goes on, a divisive person succeeds in creating enmity and strife among friends and family. Although it might sometimes be easy to identify a divisive person, it is not always the case. Be on the lookout so you do not become a prey to their tactics. Christians have been called as peacemakers on earth. Never kowtow to any act that leads to division and confusion.

Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.  You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned. (‭Titus 3:10-11)

As Paul was about to conclude his apostolic letter to Titus, he made a very profound statement: “Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.  You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned.” (‭Titus 3:10-11). Paul understood that in the church could be men and women with the ultimate goal to cause conflict and division within the body of Christ. Paul’s advice to Titus was that such persons should be warned at least twice and if they fail to listen, Titus should have nothing to do with them. In other words, Titus shouldn’t patronize divisive people if they fail to change their ways. The church stands the risk of being despised by the world if we are riddled with division and confusion.

As Paul advised Titus to stay away from divisive people, so must we purpose to be agents of peace. We should learn how to avoid conflict and division in the house of God. As an agent of transformation, the church should be a place where lives are transformed by the word of God. As we are transformed and renewed, we should also be intentional to avoid instances that cause division in order to avoid self-condemnation. The church of God is a place where broken lives are mended. Believers have the mandate to share God’s love with a broken society.  Let’s consider ways we can become agents of peace.

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